Terms of service

Updated: 29.07.2023

By using TextureGenius, you agree to the following terms and conditions. We may delete your generated textures, suspend, or ban your account for any violations of these terms.

General use

TextureGenius provides a collection of AI-generated textures for you to explore and use. Additionally, TextureGenius can generate custom textures based on a selection of keywords.

Use of textures

Textures available in the public gallery and custom-generated textures can be used for any legal purpose, including commercial use. To the extent allowed by law, we grant you the exclusive right to use and display your creations and will not resell or publish any of your creations against your will. If you violate our terms, you will lose your rights to use the created images.

Texture generation guidelines

TextureGenius should not be used to create and may block images of the following categories: • Sexual or NSFW images • Hateful or violent images • Trademarked images

Balance & Credits

Credits must be used within a year of purchase, or they will expire. Our texture generation prices may be updated at any time. The price (depending on your selected creation parameters) will be displayed on the texture creation page.

Texture storage

Your creations will be automatically deleted 90 days after creation. Please make sure to download any image you wish to keep.

Features & Availability

We plan to continue hosting and improving TextureGenius but make no guarantee about service continuation, maintenance, or improvement. The service is provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Terms of service modifications

We may modify or replace any of the terms of service at any time. You are responsible for checking the terms of service periodically for changes. Continuing to use this service means you continue to accept these terms.